Despite of my advances studying Glamorous Toolkit and making some advances on "apps" and interfaces, I really don't understand well the concept of ports and auto-update of values. So I started with a small excercise from the transcript example as proposed in the GT blog[1]. Its working as expected, so try to extend the example with a code that shows my incomplete understanding at [2]. My idea was to create a two panels browser showing an array. Left panel show a list, and right one was a text with the selected value of the list. When the values at the right were updated the list at the left was updated also. Because this was not working I create a Transcript trying to show if changes on the right where captured. I have seen the three inter-dependant panes example, but still I don't get it right. So my questions are:
[1] http://ws.stfx.eu/L277ESMZYIF3
[2] http://ws.stfx.eu/1FOA0OWJ8PWA
a) How can I send the changes in values from the right panel to the one of the left?
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