

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Anne Etien <anne.etien@univ-lille1.fr> wrote:

Le 3 déc. 2013 à 17:02, Tudor Girba a écrit :


Since a while, the Moose 5.0 image comes with GTDebugger and GTInspector installed by default.

These tools are already useable, but there still is a long way to go. For this, we need feedback. So:
- did you use any of them?
I use both of them.
I agree with Alexandre concerning the annoying problem with Cmd-s. What is annoying, is that the orange right top corner is disappearing when clicking on cmd-s (like every else where), so we get a feedback but the code is not changed. I lost several time my changes. But it is also true that I can press a button for the moment.

Thanks. It annoys me, too :)
I find the inspector very fine, and useful.

- first impression in one-two words (e.g., strange, useless, frustrating, too white, funny, productive).
First impression was strange like always when you get a change ;o). Passing through this change, I find the inspector very good, because we can navigate through object and go back without having ten opened windows.

Interesting. Are you using Cmd+o (instead of Cmd+i) to open the result of a script objects on the next pane?

Also, are you using multiple views on your objects? Have you built your own presentations? Or do you mostly use the instance variables presentation?
- what problems did you find?
My major problem concerns the debugger. I don't know how to modify this by default, but when a debugger appears, the window is very small. The first thing I have to do is making the windows bigger and let more space for the code it self, in order to read it comfortably. It is not a big thing but when you do it tens times a day it becomes annoying. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2801197/debugger.pdf

Agreed. What is even worse is that if you resize the debugger window and then resume the execution, if you get another exception along the way, the debugger is back to the small size and you essentially lose visual context. This is terrible and will be fixed. At the moment, I think that the debugger should be spawned maximized.
I am not sure of this, but it seems that we don't have access to the full stack (as it was before).

Of course you do. Actually, you always look at the full stack (or at least should if there is no bug) :). Try this:

| aClass |
aClass := (Object subclass: #A
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'A').
aClass compile: 'do: anInteger
anInteger > 10000 ifTrue: [ self halt ].
self do: anInteger + 1'.
aClass new do: 1

If you execute this, you will get a stack list of 9999 items.
- what did you like?
Like Alexandre that it works ;o)
and the inspector at the bottom of the debugger.

Do you actually interact with the inspector from the debugger often?




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