'From Pharo3.0 of 18 March 2013 [Latest update: #30850] on 8 September 2014 at 9:34:08.617413 am'! !GTPlaygroundPage methodsFor: 'compatibility-tools' stamp: 'PhilippeBack 9/8/2014 09:20'! acceptContents: aString self flag: #TODO. "Need support for what lies in the comment down here" "self fileName ifNotNil: [ self saveString: aString toFile: self fileName ]. acceptAction ifNotNil:[acceptAction value: aString]." self contents: aString. ^ true! ! !GLMSystemWindow methodsFor: 'compatibility-tools' stamp: 'PhilippeBack 9/8/2014 09:25'! acceptContents: aString "There is nothing here at the moment and it shouldn't be in GLMSystemWindow in the first place. Interim situation to move things forward..." self flag: #TODO. ! ! !GLMSystemWindow methodsFor: 'compatibility-tools' stamp: 'PhilippeBack 9/8/2014 09:26'! acceptAction: anUndefinedObject self flag: #TODO. "Placeholder to get the thing moving forward"! ! !GTPlayground class methodsFor: 'compatibility-tools' stamp: 'PhilippeBack 9/8/2014 09:30'! openLabel: aLabel | page | "self halt." page := GTPlaygroundPage new title: aLabel; yourself. ^ self new openOn: page! ! !GTPlayground class methodsFor: 'compatibility-tools' stamp: 'PhilippeBack 9/8/2014 09:30'! edit: aString label: aLabel "Open a new playground with the given contents" "Compatibility with the original Workspace" "#edit: aText label: labelString accept: anAction" " ^(Smalltalk tools workspace openLabel: labelString) acceptContents: aText; acceptAction: anAction; yourself." "Open an editor on the given string/text" | page | "self halt" page := GTPlaygroundPage new content: aString; title: aLabel; yourself. self flag: #TODO. "We need to put an equivalent to the acceptAction thing." ^ self new openOn: page! ! !GTPlayground class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'PhilippeBack 9/8/2014 09:30'! openContents: aString label: aLabel "Open a new playground with the given contents" | page | " self halt." page := GTPlaygroundPage new content: aString; title: aLabel; yourself. ^ self new openOn: page! ! !GTPlayground class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'PhilippeBack 9/8/2014 09:30'! openContents: aString "Open a new playground with the given contents. aString has to be Smalltalk code. The style is applied" | page | "self halt." page := GTPlaygroundPage new content: aString; yourself. ^ self new openOn: page! ! !GTPlayground class reorganize! (#'compatibility-tools' openLabel: edit:label:) (#'instance creation' open openContents:label: openContents:) (#'tools registry' taskbarIcon registerToolsOn:) (#accessing reset repository) ! !GTPlayground reorganize! (#building codeIn: compose actionsForPreviousContents pushToRepositoryFrom:) ! !GTPlaygroundPage reorganize! (#'as yet unclassified' gtInspectorContentIn:) (#'compatibility-tools' acceptContents:) (#accessing initialize title: content: content title) !