Hi all,
Doru, I will just explain the context :)
- we have a new big case study on a java source code. We need to build demonstration on-the-fly to show that: (i) our api is simple and efficient, and (ii) everybody can use it.
- I did not build any visualization since 5 months, since I begin to write my thesis, and other papers.
So, when we would like to use Mondrian, the message edges:from:to: is a real problem. It is not the only one, but it illustrates well the problem.
For me, edges:from:to: should be used like "edges: aCollectionOfAssociation from: #first to:#second".
To give a collection of nodes is not intuitive for 2 reasons:
- the first one is in my example: I always think to provide edges and not nodes.
- the second is: why to give nodes ? we should have them because we are building a node-visualization. So the selection of good nodes should be done in the blocks from:to:.
In fact, I think that a first thing to do is to use the methods edgesFrom:to: (that I just discover...)
Another problem that I encounter with Glamour also, is the debugging. And I really think that problems could be resolved with a good integration with the debugger. For now, it is not possible to understand easily why a script does not run as we want.
We should think how to integrate the debugger in Mondrian and Glamour scripting.
The discussion is open :)
On Jun 18, 2011, at 19:03 , Tudor Girba wrote:
On 18 Jun 2011, at 18:36, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
Something that tells me how to pass the correct arguments and edges: does not work because these are not the edges that you pass.
buildEdgesFrom: aCollection usingFrom: usingTo:
would be something in the right direction.
I suggest an even better approach: