fetch script
| go |
go := Gofer new renggli: 'petit'.
go allResolved
do: [:each |
self crLog: each packageName.
go package: each packageName.
Transcript show: each printString ; cr.
go fetch.].
push script
|go repo|
repo := MCSmalltalkhubRepository
owner: 'Moose'
project: 'Petit'
user: 'XXX'
password: 'XXX'.
go := Gofer new.
go repository: repo.
((FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'package-cache')
allFiles groupedBy: [:each | (each base copyUpToLast: $-) ])
keys do: [:name | go package: name; push]
I'll add you to Moose team on SmalltalkHub so that you can commit the projects and packages.
Repos/projs to move (move whatever you can and I can do the rest):