You should put the stuff on googlecode so that everybody can participate freely...

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Nicolas Anquetil <> wrote:

Hi all,

Verveine is back :-)

I just realized Simon and Steph were right (sort of)

Verveine is not in the public server

Well ... actually it is:
There is a src directory under which is the source of
Verveine (for Java and PHP)
Unfortunately, it comes with all the Eclipse config files: .project,
.classpath, ...)   :-(

It means we goofed up the import in SVN
Since Cyrille is on vacation I will put the blame on him :-)

I will also try to correct things on the svn server.
(Although it is not that simple because SVN servers are meant not to
forget anything so I am not sure if I can remove the erroneous


On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Simon Denier <> wrote:
> On 3 juil. 2010, at 23:34, Nicolas Anquetil wrote:
>> The right project is Verveine.
>> Verveine-PHP was the prototype
>> Verveine includes the java parser based on JDT but standalone (runs
>> outside eclipse) and the PHP parser based on PDT (but it only runs as
>> an eclipse plugin).
> mmm then, Verveine is in the private repository, not the public one.
>> Nicolas Anquetil
>> Université Lille-1
>> On 3 juil. 2010, at 21:37, "Stéphane Ducasse"
>> <> wrote:
>>> because they started on the private svn and I asked them to go on
>>> the public one so that people can get access to it.
>>> Stef
>>> On Jul 3, 2010, at 3:14 PM, Simon Denier wrote:
>>>> Good work.
>>>> Doru, you should already have access to the public svn.
>>>> However, I see two Verveine projects, one private and one public. I
>>>> don't know why.
>>>> This one is public
>>>> On 3 juil. 2010, at 14:15, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Cool! How do I get access to the SVN?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Doru
>>>>> On 3 Jul 2010, at 14:02, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> With nicolas we started to have a look at the eclipse-php-parser
>>>>>> (provide with PDT), to export a famix-mse file from a PHP
>>>>>> project. We already started to build an eclipse plugin that does
>>>>>> some work:
>>>>>> => We create an AST for each php file of the project
>>>>>> => Then we have a visitor on this ast, and we are therfore able
>>>>>> to make a specific action for each kind of node visited
>>>>>> => For now, we just export some FAMIXNamespace, FAMIXClass,
>>>>>> FAMIXMethods.
>>>>>> So  what's left is to  implement each visit-method to extract
>>>>>> informations for each node visited. For that we will have to know
>>>>>> a bit more PHP :) Maybe the metamodel will have to be extended to
>>>>>> take into account some PHP-specific elements, I don't know.
>>>>>> If you want to have a look, sources are available via svn at:
>>>>>> Vervaine provide the extractor (not yet finished) for Java ans
>>>>>> this one for PHP. Both are using a common mechanism to generate
>>>>>> famix entities and extract them to mse.
>>>>>> I will be on holidays until august and will probably no longer
>>>>>> work on it until august. So if you want to have a look (and have
>>>>>> the courage to install eclipse to read java code:)), have some
>>>>>> suggestions, want to implement something, feel free to
>>>>>> participate :)
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Nicolas Anquetil        Univ. Lille1 / INRIA-equipe RMod

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Dr. Jean-Rémy Falleri
INRIA Lille, RMOD Team