The reason I took this path was because this is how we are dealing with pictures as well. Furthermore, the fonts are downloaded from sourceforge and that is neither the fastest nor the most reliable site. As Stef said, if we are worried about the size, we can easily unload the package after installing. So, for me, the current solution is simple and as reliable as any other Pharo code. In other words, if SmalltalkHub fails, many other things will fail before the fonts become an issue.
Nevertheless, it could be interesting to create an index class that can build fonts on the fly based on a url. For this, we would need a repository somewhere reliable :).
About the easiness of compiling the binary file, there already exists a utility documented on my blog post:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'FreeFonts';
package: 'FontInstaller';
fontDirectory := FileSystem workingDirectory / 'Fonts' /
FontInstaller new
installFromDirectory: fontDirectory / 'TTF'
license: ((fontDirectory / 'LICENSE.txt') readStreamDo: #contents).