Hi Alex,

I think by Moose you mean FAMIX :). But, Moose is no longer FAMIX. FAMIX is there only for convenience for some use cases.

Moose is now the engines. This is what makes the platform with which we reinvent programming. I said a year ago that Moose will become the IDE. And we are almost there. We still need a couple of extra tools like a Coder, but we can already affect development significantly with the debugger, inspector and playground.

If you want, Moose is the engine with which humane assessment becomes a reality :).

Actually, if you just want an image with just the engines, you can get it in the gtoolkit image:


On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:
> remember that Moose is a "data Analysis platform" it is not only for software, so yes somebody not working with software can use it.

I know, but actually, I am finding myself using the moose image essentially for GTInspector and Playground. Much more than moose itself. The Moose image is offering something else in addition to Moose, and I think we should embrace this better.


> I have no particular objection to change the name except that changing name means you restart from scratch and have to re-explain to people what it is ...
> nicolas
> On 13/03/2014 13:46, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> Hi!
>> The Moose image offers much more than offering moose. For example, I have a postdoc working on Astronomy images and she is using the moose image not because of moose, but because of what is shipped with it.
>> Does something who is not interested in analyzing software may find the moose image useful? The answer is absolutely yes.
>> What about changing the name of the Moose image into something closer to what it really offer?
>> Maybe Pharo4Modelling ? PharoModellingEdition?
>> I think this discussion is important.
>> Cheers,
>> Alexandre
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Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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