I have to rebuild a visualization create with Roassal.

I try this function: ((browser paneNamed: #visu) presentations at:3) update.

It send update on the right GLMRoassalPresentation but it never call the painting block used to build my visualization.

    moduleDependencyGraphRoot := self chooseProgramRoot.
   ((browser paneNamed: #visu) presentations at:3) update.

moduleDependencyGraph: composite
    composite roassal
        title: 'Program Dependency Graph';
            titleIcon: MooseIcons mooseSystemComplexity;
            painting: [ :view | self renderModuleDependencyGraph: view];
            act: [self changeProgramRoot. composite roassal view raw signalUpdate] entitled: 'Program Name'.
The act block is called but not the painting block after the update.

I look at the Roassal examples but don't find a solution for my problem.

What is the way to rebuild a visualization?

Guillaume Larcheveque