I like very much the new energy people are putting into creating the SystemLogger engine for Pharo. I think this is a specifically important area for which we have to have a solution out of the box. At the same time, I also think that Pharo provides an infrastructure that makes room for ideas that are otherwise hard to reach in other languages or environments.
Stef asked for collaborations around this project, so here is my literally small contribution: a rather different logging engine. It is called Beacon, it is based entirely on Announcements, it has ~200 lines of code, it has no tags or levels, and in my opinion it is fully functional.
You can see a detailed description here including some informal comparisons with SystemLogger:
Please let me know what you think. I would be happy to join forces to reach a mature solution that is both versatile and that can show how Pharo is different.
"Every thing has its own flow"