Yes, is clearer. I would like to start with kind of a most basic browser, to send information back and forward.
Consider this:
| browser dict |
dict := Dictionary new.
dict at: 1 put: 'uno'.
dict at: 2 put: 'dos'.
browser := GLMTabulator new
title: 'Minimal test'.
browser column: #keys; column: #values.
browser transmit
to: #keys;
andShow: [:k | k list display: #keys ].
browser transmit
from: #keys;
to: #values;
andShow: [:v | v text display: #value ].
browser openOn: dict
Now I have a two panes browser trying to show pairs in a dictionary. In fact, I said "trying" because I get the key twice. So my questions starting from there are:
1. How to show in the #values column the values of the dict once you have selected the specific key in the #keys column?
2. How to get any update in the #values column as an updated value in the dictionary using ports and transformed messages.