On mar. 10 avr. 2018 at 21:50, Jannik Laval <jannik.laval@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Jannik, 

I am defining my own metamodel, and I am using the MSE pragmas.
I use <MSEProperty:type:opposite:> and <multivalued>

I also see the pragma 
<derived>. Could you explain me what it is?

The derived pragma is used when the property can be computed from non-derived properties. 

For example the classes included in a package needs to be provided by a parse and thus non-derives.
But if we create a #numberOfClasses property, it can be derived since we can compute this property by counting the number of classes. 

Derived properties will not be exported in the MSE. 

And also, for example, in FAMIXReference>>target, there is a pragma <target> (same for <source>). Is it a specific pragma ?

This is a pragma used by MooseQuery. There is three:
- container : used when you define a container of the entity. Moose query use it to execute the scope and navigation queries
- target : use it to define the "to" side of an association. Moose query use it for navigation queries
- source : use it to define the "from" side of an association. MooseQuery use it for navigation queries

Is there a page explaining all the available pragmas ?

There is some documentation about those used by moose query in https://moosequery.ferlicot.fr . But I don't know for Moose's pragmas in general. 

Thanks a lot for your help
Best regards,

Have a nice day :) 

~~Jannik Laval~~
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Cyril Ferlicot