I don't know if it can fit with what you are expecting, but there is also a LinearDitributionMap, displaying 'strongest' colors for properties having the higher value. Maybe try in your code try to replace 'DistributionMap' by 'LinearDistributionMap' to see what happens :)
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Tudor Girba <tudor.girba@gmail.com> wrote:Unfortunately, CodeCity is not working in Pharo.
That was a FAST answer :)
What a pity :(
I guess it is because of the 3D engine? you did that in VW with something like that?
Just by ignorance, does that visualization require a 3D engine? cannot be drawn using Mondrian or whatever Moose uses for the rest of the visualizations? or is it too "complex or large" to compute it that way?
Thanks Doru
> <amuntUsedInstances.png>_______________________________________________
On 23 Sep 2010, at 10:30, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> Hi Folks...Sorry for the "urgen" but I got an idea for my paper with deadline tomorro hahahahah
> I was using DistributionMaps where the containers were packages for example, elements classes, and properties the amount of instances. For example, see the attached screenshot.
> Now....it is difficult to find the classes with most instances since I need to search for an specific color.
> I thoguht that having someting like CodeCity can be interesting. I would like:
> - EAch building (square) is a container -> package
> - Each little squeare (that has heigh) is a element -> class
> - The heigh is a property, in this case, the amount of instances for example.
> Then I can easily see packages/classes with several intances easily (the highest ones).
> So...is that possible? how easier? :)
> Right now I was doing my DM something like this:
> I checked for *City* class in Moose 4.1 but I didn't find anything :(
> The only thing I found was this link: http://www.moosetechnology.org/tools/vw/codecity
> Thanks for any help
> Mariano
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