It took about 10 minutes to profile and get the visualization.

Alexandre Bergel

On Apr 23, 2015, at 10:17 AM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:

Nice. How fast is this?


On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:

Some of you may be interesting into this.

We are currently working on a memory profiler. Our profiler snapshots a graph of objects. Visualizing them is then pretty easy. These pictures represent the graph of objects obtained by doing a system complexity (do it "RTGeneralExample new systemComplexity"). After the execution, 9070 objects are present in memory. These objects are naturally interconnected. 

The visualization clearly show the interaction between different components. A is the Trachel component, a low layer graphic library. B is Roassal, a high level graphic framework. Roassal highly depends on Trachel. Statically Trachel does not depends on Roassal, however, they are during the execution. C are instances of RTGroup, which is a dedicated collection used in Roassal. The system complexity has been open in Glamour, so D are the Glamour components. E are event related objects, mainly instance of the Announcer class (each RTElement and TRShape share a unique Announcer). F are classes (i.e., instances of the Color class). G are 2d coordinates (i.e., instances of the Point class).

Thanks Alejandro Infante for this!


Alejandro & Alexandre
Alexandre Bergel


"Every thing has its own flow"