In addition, I saw that in the not-correctly-imported file, there are annotations like this:

        (id: 136544)
        (name 'JRubyClass')
        (belongsTo (idref: 794))
        (name 'Module')


        (id: 121052)
        (name 'JRubyMethod')
        (belongsTo (idref: 121050))
        (name '[]')

isn't it strange that those AnnotationIntances have more than one name?

If you want to have a look at the source code that was used by iPlasma to generate the not-correctly-imported MSE file, you can find it here:

Thank you again,

2009/7/1 Alberto Bacchelli <>

2009/7/1 Simon Denier <>

On 1 juil. 09, at 15:08, Alberto Bacchelli wrote:

Hi everybody,

"Unhandled exception: Unknown character".

I'm not a fine connoisseur of iPlasma so here is some general tips:

Did you try to debug the exception, see what is the character in question?

Yes, I tried. The problematic character seems to be " [ ".
I searched for it both in the correctly-imported MSE files and in the not-correctly-imported ones.
In the latter case, I see that there are many fields like this:

(name '[]')

which are not present in the correctly-imported MSE files.

You can also check file format, see what kind of return line characters it uses...

Carriage return shouldn't be a problem since some MSE files are correctly imported.

Finally, you can try to generate two mse of the same version of JRuby with the two iPlasma and compare them with a file merge (might not work at all because the content and the order will be different, but maybe you can catch something) 

I have only one iPlasma version (the one that is available here: are there more? Where can I find them?

The first releases are correctly imported in Moose.

If you want to help me with this problem,
you find an example of a problematic MSE here :
and an example of a not-problematic MSE here :
