
there are a lot of information that can be removed from MSE: for example each create a separate this entity
and may other cases.

The smalltalk importer can really cherry pick the entities that should be exported now I do not know if this is possible in InFamix.


On 20 Feb 2014, at 16:25, Thomas Haug <> wrote:

Hi everybody,

I have created a large FAMIX 3.0 file using InFamix form the wildfly (a.k.a. JBOSS) aplication server.
This file is about 142 MB large with 7 853 171 lines. 

Importing that MSE file into Moose 4.9 (with pharo) on Windows and MacOS with 8GB RAM fails due to out of memory. 

Is there an easy possibility to increase the the memory of the VM? I have only found some older postings talking about recompiling the VM.

Thank you very much
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