Hello Paloma,

The project FameImportExportEx no longer exists. You can read the email below to export the metrics.
Feel free to ask questions.


If you want to try an automatic way to export the properties (metrics) opening the Moose image, run the script below:
Gofer new
    squeaksource: 'HoraExp';
    package: 'FameExportMSE';
    package: 'FameExportProperties';
Then, right-click on an entity, Utilities -> Export properties, and select the metrics to export. If you export clicking on the MooseModel, several files can be generated, for each group. Export clicking on others entities generates one file.
The results (CSV or XML) are in the directory: Contents/Resources.

If you want to export the metrics using the command line (or a shell script or a Java app..), you can use the attached smalltalk script. You have to open the script and set the metrics to be exported in the line:
- selectors: #(#numberOfLinesOfCode #numberOfMethods #fanIn #fanOut).

The command to run the script is:
./path_vm imageName.image runMetrics.st path_mse outputName.csv

For example, in MacOS, in the folder Contents/Resources of your image, run:
./../MacOS/'Squeak VM Opt' Moose.image runMetrics.st /Users/hora/Downloads/Moose-
27.app/Contents/Resources/collection.mse myOutput.csv

If you are in Linux or Windows you should set the correct path_vm: Contents/Linux/squeak or /Contents/Windows/Squeak.exe
The result (outputName.csv) is saved into the folder where your image is stored (normally Contents/Resources).

If you don't have the mse file representing your project, you can easily generate it using VerveineJ or inFusion. See the Moose Book or old emails of this list to do that.

The script is also below:

Gofer new
    squeaksource: 'HoraExp';
    package: 'FameExportMSE';
    package: 'FameExportProperties';
| stream model msePath eContext |

msePath := (CommandLine uniqueInstance allParameters) at: 2.
csvName := (CommandLine uniqueInstance allParameters) at: 3.
model := MooseModel new importFromMSEStream: (StandardFileStream readOnlyFileFullyNamed: msePath).
stream := MultiByteFileStream newFileNamed: csvName.

eContext := PropertyExportingContext new
                separator: $,;
                selectors: #(#numberOfLinesOfCode #numberOfMethods #fanIn #fanOut).

(model allModelClasses) exportPropertyOnStream: stream context: eContext.
stream close.

WorldState addDeferredUIMessage: [
SmalltalkImage current snapshot: false andQuit: true ].

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:59 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse@inria.fr> wrote:
on mac the Pharo uses the proxy that is set in your environment.


On Sep 30, 2011, at 9:39 PM, Bernardo Ezequiel Contreras wrote:

> are you behind a proxy?
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Paloma Maira de Oliveira <paloma.oliveira@ifmg.edu.br> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm in trouble (attached) to run the script below:
> Gofer new
>    squeaksource: 'FameImportExportEx';
>    package: 'Fame-ImportExport-Extensions';
>    load.
> I’m using Windows-OS and Moose Suite 4.5. I need help to export metrics to .CSV.
> Where should I run the script? I’m running the workspace Moose Suite
> 4.5, correct?
> Thank you.
> --
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Andre Hora