Hi!After having discussed yesterday with Yuriy, I gave a try at having multiple selection in Roassal. If you update Roassal, you can try:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=b := RTMondrian new.
b nodes: Collection withAllSubclasses.
b layout flow.
b normalizer
normalizeSize: #numberOfMethods.
b build.
"Adding a label"
labelShape := RTLabel new text: 'Nothing selected'.
label := labelShape element.
b view add: label.
TRConstraint move: label below: b view elements.
"Changing the label according to the selection"
b view elements @ (RTSelectable new selectionCallback: [ :es | label trachelShape text: es size asString, ' selected elements']).
b view-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Try clicking on the square and the white background.Wouldn’t it be nice to connect this with GTInspector?Cheers,Alexandre--
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
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