Hi Guys!

First of all, sorry to have taken two days to address this issue. The problem was that I tried to handle the problem of session in Trachel. If you open a Roassal window, close the image, and then open it again, you get a red window. I’ve tried to fix this, but I could not. The image get frozen. I hope to seat down with Igor at Esug. This is an important point of Roassal that has to be improved.

The last version of Roassal/Trachel fixes this…

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

On Jul 15, 2014, at 11:17 AM, Goubier Thierry <thierry.goubier@cea.fr> wrote:

I think the bug is in TRMorph.

in TRMorph, on layoutChanged, if we have a new extent (i.e. window resize), we have to create a new surface via createSurface. But createSurface will not create a surface if the current surface is not nil.

I tried by adding a forceCreateSurface and it solves my display problems and the roassal examples resizing problem.

Now, I don't feel confortable throwing away the previous surface object without a reset of some kind, but since a TRMorph doesn't bother to reset the surface when closing, this means I shouldn't bother too :)


Le 15/07/2014 16:38, Usman Bhatti a écrit :
TRCanvas>>openInWindowSized: anExtentAsPoint
| window |
self extent: anExtentAsPoint.
self buildMorph.
window := morph openInWindow.
window extent: anExtentAsPoint.
^ window

should resolve the issue. But it has to be done neatly :).


On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Leo Perard <leo.perard@gmail.com
<mailto:leo.perard@gmail.com>> wrote:

   On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Alexandre Bergel
   <alexandre.bergel@me.com <mailto:alexandre.bergel@me.com>> wrote:

       If you simply open the Roassal example from the world menu. Do
       you see the problem when you resize the window (e.g., making it
       very large). Before my change, text was disappearing.

   The bug now exists in all the window of Roassal2. I checked the
   examples from the world menu and it bugs.

       Are you sure this is related to glamour? The problem I fixed
       yesterday was not related to glamour.


       On 15 Jul 2014, at 06:31, Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti@gmail.com
       <mailto:usman.bhatti@gmail.com>> wrote:

       I checked it on the last moose image from the jenkins and the
       problem is still there.

       But this is not problematic because I can tweak the canvas and
       morph size in Glamour presentation. The real problem is with
       scaling and camera centering when canvas size is changed. I
       cannot provide you a reproducible code. A complete image with
       all my modifications, yes, and in that case I would like to
       probably do it interactively with you so that I can be more
       productive when fixing these problems in Roassal/Trachel.


       On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Alexandre Bergel
       <alexandre.bergel@me.com <mailto:alexandre.bergel@me.com>> wrote:


           I did something wrong in TRMorph when worked on the
           The last version of Trachel should fix this problem


           Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu

           On Jul 14, 2014, at 8:31 AM, Usman Bhatti
           <usman.bhatti@gmail.com <mailto:usman.bhatti@gmail.com>>


           When using Roassal 2 in a glamour browser, the
           visualization gets clipped when too large. This appears
           to occur because the canvas does not adapt to the
           container morph (a TRMorph) dimensions and retains its
           default extent.

           To reproduce:
           browser := GLMTabulator new.
           browser title: 'Roassal 2 Visualization'.
           browser row: #visu.
           browser transmit to: #visu; andShow: [:a |
           a roassal2
           title: 'Overview';
           painting: [ :mondView :entity | view := mondView view.
           view addAll: ((RTEllipse new color: Color purple; size:
           10) elementsOn: Collection withAllSubclasses) @ RTDraggable.
           RTEdge buildEdgesFromObjects: Collection
           withAllSubclasses from: #superclass to: #yourself inView:
           RTClusterLayout on: view elements edges: view edges.
           view edges do: [ :e | e trachelShape pushBack ].
           "view canvas extent: (950 @ 550)."
           browser openOn: 1.

           Did someone notice similar behavior with spec? What would
           be good is that TRMorph should update the contained
           canvas extent when it is resized.


           <Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 1.25.23 PM.png>
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   University of Lille 1

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