I'm trying to customize the import context when loading an mse model by using the method MooseModel>>importFromMSEStream: aStream filteredBy: anImportingContext.
The main problem is that after creating the MSE model some metrics are missing. For example, numberOfLinesOfCode is always 0 for a class. When I create the model without the importing context the metrics are fine.

The importing context that I'm using has the following fullNamesOfEntitiesToBeExtracted: 'FAMIX.Comment' 'FAMIX.Access' 'FAMIX.Inheritance' 'FAMIX.Invocation' 'FAMIX.Reference' 'FAMIX.Function' 'FAMIX.Method' 'FAMIX.Module' 'FAMIX.Namespace' 'FAMIX.Package' 'FAMIX.AnnotationType' 'FAMIX.Class' 'FAMIX.Enum' 'FAMIX.ParameterType' 'FAMIX.ParameterizedType' 'FAMIX.PrimitiveType' 'FAMIX.TypeAlias' 'FAMIX.EnumValue' 'FAMIX.GlobalVariable' 'FAMIX.ImplicitVariable' 'FAMIX.LocalVariable' 'FAMIX.Parameter' 'FAMIX.UnknownVariable' 'FAMIX.ParameterizableClass' 'FAMIX.AnnotationTypeAttribute'

Any help? Thanks


Santiago Vidal