On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 11:45 AM Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com> wrote:

Thanks for the feedback.

I see that you use 64bit. On which OS are you when you get the isTemp problem?

MacOS 10.13.6 + PharoLauncher 1.4.6
Only happens the first time.

After closing the debugger, does it work to open the Glamorous Tour?

Yes, I can open the Glamourous Tour.

Thank you Doru.
Serge Stinckwic

Int. Research Unit
 on Modelling/Simulation of Complex Systems (UMMISCO)
Sorbonne University
French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)
niversity of Yaoundé I, Cameroun
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute."