Looks pretty cool !
Can we use on any RTShape or only RTBox ?

On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 11:40 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:
Roassal Tip #2: Labeling bar with GraphET. 
You can use @RTLabelled for each bar elements. Consider the following example:

| diagram |
diagram := GET2DiagramBuilder new.
diagram horizontalBarDiagram
models: #(10 12 13 200 150 -13 149 -151);
diagram build.

"Pick the horizontal bars and add a label"
diagram view elements do: [ :e |
(e shape class == RTBox) 
ifTrue: [ e @ RTLabelled new right ]
diagram view open
Photo: Roassal Tip #2: Labeling bar with GraphET. 
You can use @RTLabelled for each bar elements. Consider the following example:

 | diagram |
 diagram := GET2DiagramBuilder new.
 diagram horizontalBarDiagram
 models: #(10 12 13 200 150 -13 149 -151);
 diagram build.
 "Pick the horizontal bars and add a label"
 diagram view elements do: [ :e |
 (e shape class == RTBox) ifTrue: [ 
 e @ RTLabelled new right
 diagram view open



Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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Leo Perard