On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 4:32 AM, Peter Uhnak <i.uhnak@gmail.com> wrote:

 I wanted to ask about Bloc:

 1) how stable is the API? e.g. if some overhaul changes to unify/whatever are planned
 2) I saw in the techtalk that you can align elements (to center, bottom, ...), however is that possible with lines? Lines have to rotate, morph shape, etc.
 3) Are non-straight lines possible? (e.g. bezier, arc)

 The idea for me is to make a simple mindmap
        - elements with some text, icons, math symbols inside
        - connectors (non-straight lines) between elements

 To me (apart from the lines) it seems like it should be already doable.

 Also either my (Morphic) Pharo is really slow, or Bloc (in the video) is superfast (everything is happening instantly).

Hi Peter,

I've thought for a long time that a Mind Mapping app would be a good way to showcase Pharo 
and a side channel marketing to draw people in when they what to modify the tool.  
I'd like to collaborate in any way you like - early testing, pair programming, isolated subtasks, etc.

cheers -ben