Yes, that would be great. I am in fact just interested in getting an inspection of the resulting object.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jan 7, 2016, at 6:34 PM, Stefan André Reichhart <> wrote:

Hi Alex,

On 07 Jan 2016, at 21:11, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:


Consider the method:
RTSunburstBuilderExamples >> basic15
| b mt |
b := RTSunburstBuilder new.

^ b

By having the pragma I can run the example as a test. That is good, but I want to have the object inspected. Currently it does not.
Is there a way to get the object inspected?

With <script: ‘self new basic15 inspect’> instead of <gtExample>, then I could get it.

urg :(

you want to inspect "b" - right ?

"b" is the "returnValue" of the example ... so you can do
"your example" result returnValue inspect
or shorter
"your example" returnValue inspect

if I understand you right you would like to have a quicker and more direct access to the returnValue via the Nautilus/UI ? we can do that ... very easy. No need to stringify Smalltalk code into pragmas!


btw: the "result" of an example holds the returnValue as well as the exceptions (expected & unexpected) during runtime/testing

Alexandre Bergel