Hi,I'm playing around with Glamour and accordion presentation, however there are couple things I'm struggling with.I have a simple presentation:```| browser data|data := {'First' -> #(1 2 3).'Second' -> #(a b c).'Third' -> #(A B C).'Fourth' -> #(! @ #'#').}.browser := GLMTabulator new.browser column: #accordion.browser transmit to: #accordion; andShow: [ :a |a accordionArrangement.a title: 'Accordion'.data do: [ :pair |a fastListtitle: pair key;display: pair value].a list.].browser openOn: #().```* Is it possible to tell the accordion to not take more space than is needed? E.g. after item 3, and after item $c there's lot of empty space.* Is it possible to close accordions upwards? I have added an empty list at the end to consume extra white space, but it is insufficient (see point above) and ugly.* Is it possible to control which accordions are opened/closed by default?* Is it possible to connect all the lists so only one item can be selected at any time? Currently I can select independently in the lists.
* Is it possible to build the lists from the input data (=openOn: XXX)? I can fill the data, but if I am making multiple lists then I am lost.
(I could use tree to fix most of the problems, but Accordion looks much nicer :))Any pointers appreciated,Peter
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