Hi Andre,
Hello Hani,
It's strange because the example below works without any problem (i.e., it is showing horizontal scroll bar). Could you try?browser column: #one; column: #two.
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [:a |
a eyesee
title: 'Sample bar chart';
diagram: [:renderer :x |
renderer verticalBarDiagram
y: #yourself;
models: x;
width: 2000;
height: 150;
renderer interaction popupText: #yourself ]].
browser transmit from: #one; to: #two; andShow: [:a |
a text
title: 'Preview'].
browser openOn: (1 to: 100)
Could you provide an example that I can run from the workspace?
regards,On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Hani Abdeen <hani.abdeen@gmail.com> wrote:
_______________________________________________Hi,I try to show an eyesee presentation (diagram) within a column of a gLMTabulator browser. Everything is ok except that if the diagram width is large (larger than the column) the presentation/column does not show an horizontal scroll bar! I did not find any mean to make the presentation showing scroll bars. What is strange (and good) is that I had not this problem with mondrian presentations.Any idea to make eyesee presentation showing horizontal scroll bar?This is the code of the browser (note that I use it to build a rEPComputedConcern browser):eyeseeBrowser| browser |browser := GLMTabulator new.browser title: 'Customizable EyeSee Chart'.browser column: #chart1 span: 1; column: [:c | c row: #xGranularity; row: #chartType; row: #yAxisLeft span: 3; row: #yAxisRight span: 3 ]."mod := Array with: xGranularityValues with: chartTypeSelectors with: yAxisSelectors with: self."browser transmit to: #xGranularity; andShow: [ :a |a dropDownListtitle: 'x axis granularity';display: [ :mod | mod first ];selectedIndex: 1].browser transmit to: #chartType; andShow: [ :a |a dropDownListtitle: 'chart type';display: [ :mod | mod second ];selectedIndex: 1].browser transmit to: #yAxisLeft; andShow: [ :a |a listtitle: 'y left axis metric';display: [ :mod | mod third ] ].browser transmit to: #yAxisRight; andShow: [ :a |a listtitle: 'y right axis metric';display: [ :mod | #(#none), mod third ] ].browser transmitto: #chart1;from: #xGranularity; from: #chartType; from: #yAxisLeft; from: #yAxisRight;andShow: [ :a |a eyeseediagram: [ :renderer :xGranularity :chartTypeSelector :yAxisLeftSelector :yAxisRightSelector |self result fourthviewEyeSeeChartYAxis: { yAxisLeftSelector. yAxisRightSelector }xGranularity: xGranularitychartType: chartTypeSelectorwithLabels: falseon: renderer ] ].browser transmit to: #xGranularity->#selection; fromOutside: #xGranularityToSelect.browser transmit to: #chartType->#selection; fromOutside: #chartTypeToSelect.browser transmit to: #yAxisLeft->#selection; fromOutside: #yAxisLeftToSelect.browser transmit to: #yAxisRight->#selection; fromOutside: #yAxisRightToSelect.^ browser
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Andre Hora
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