

On last Moose image, I debugged the VM and executed “Exception signal”.

I paused the VM and saw that 2 methods are looping together in gcc3x-cointerp.c:

static sqInt findMethodWithPrimitiveFromContextUpToContext(sqInt primitive, sqInt senderContext, sqInt homeContext);

static sqInt findMethodWithPrimitiveFromFPUpToContext(sqInt primitive, char *startFP, sqInt homeContext);


The image is looping only when the debugger is launch on Error (not by launching it by the script below).


Maybe someone on the Pharo mailing list knows what is happening?


Thanks in advance,





De : moose-dev-bounces@iam.unibe.ch [mailto:moose-dev-bounces@iam.unibe.ch] De la part de Andrei Chis
Envoyé : mardi 18 août 2015 10:53
À : Moose-related development
Objet : [Moose-dev] Re: Object new foo


Hi Vincent,


You example will also kill the Pharo debugger :)

The issue is that you pass 'Processor activeProcess' which gets terminated when you close the debugger.

When you open the debugger you need to make sure the process

on which it is opened is suspended and can get terminated with no problem.


A different way to redo the example would be:


context := Context

    sender: nil

    receiver: {1 . 2 . 2}

    method: (OrderedCollection>>#add:)

    arguments: #(10).

process := Process 

                        forContext: context

                        priority: Processor userInterruptPriority.

GTGenericStackDebugger openOn: (DebugSession process: process context: context).


There is a basic test for opening the debugger in GTGenericStackDebuggerSmokeTest but more could help.






On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 11:53 PM, Vincent BLONDEAU <vincent.blondeau@polytech-lille.net> wrote:

Indeed. Maybe some tests has to be added..


But for now, it seems that the debugger is crashing the image… Not just by launching it:

GTGenericStackDebugger openOn: (DebugSession process: Processor activeProcess context:  (Context

                               sender: nil

                               receiver: {1 . 2 . 2}

                               method: (OrderedCollection>>#add: )

                               arguments: #(10)))


But when an exception is thrown, its seems that we fall into an infinite loop around the primitive 199. Maybe the context is not well set?







De : moose-dev-bounces@iam.unibe.ch [mailto:moose-dev-bounces@iam.unibe.ch] De la part de Alexandre Bergel
Envoyé : lundi 17 août 2015 13:26
À : Moose-related development
Objet : [Moose-dev] Re: Object new foo


This is weird that such bug can be introduced and no alarm is raised



Le 17 août 2015 à 08:03, Jan Kurš <kurs@iam.unibe.ch> a écrit :

Yep I had this problem (falled back to previous version), I suspected debugger being the reason.

Cheers Jan


On Sun, 16 Aug 2015 03:05 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:

in Moose 6.0 simply freezes.
Anyone else sees this?

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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