
I got some problems by concatenating some mooseGroups together.
You can evaluate this script in a workspace (it correspond to what I did in my code):

   Transcript open.
   MooseScripts createLightModelForLAN.
   mooseModel := MooseModel root allModels detect: [:aMooseModel | aMooseModel name ='lightLAN'].

   "at the begening, all famixClasses from this model have methods"
   Transcript show: (mooseModel allModelClasses select: [:each | each methods isEmpty]) size asString, String cr.

   "here we do several concatenations with methods from all FAMIXClasses:"
    mooseModel allModelClasses do: [:aFamixClass |
   aFamixClass methods , aFamixClass inheritedMethods  

   "let see the new result: "
    Transcript show: (mooseModel allModelClasses select: [:each | each methods isEmpty]) size asString, String cr.

You can see that after the concatenations, some FAMIXClasses have lost their methods.
Is it a real problem or is it me that is missing something obvious?