apparentlyOn Dec 7, 2013, at 6:29 PM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:I never saw this error. Could you describe exactly what you do?Model1allNamespaceallclassesI have the impression that this is when I went from allclasses to ModelsI got it several times already and again now.Now I can reproduce it each time :)Model1 is selectedallclasses is selectedand you should click in the empty space below Model1mouseUp: event on: aNodeMorph^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ nil| path cmdOrCtrl clickedTheCheckbox |"No change if model is locked"clickedTheCheckbox := self clicked: event inTheCheckboxOf: aNodeMorph.self listModel okToChange ifFalse: [^self].self listModel okToDiscardEdits ifFalse: [^ self].cmdOrCtrl := self commandOrCrontrolKeyPressed: event.path := (event shiftPressed and: [self isMultiple])ifTrue: [self shiftSelectMorph: aNodeMorph]ifFalse: [self autoMultiSelectionifTrue: [self selectedMorphList ifEmpty: [] ifNotEmpty: [:l | l last path collect: [:p | p complexContents]]]ifFalse: [self selectMorph: aNodeMorph multiple: ((cmdOrCtrl and: [self isMultiple]) or: [self autoMultiSelection]) clickedTheCheckBox: clickedTheCheckbox ]].self selectionUpdateFromViewWhile: [ | selHolder |selHolder := self newSelectionHolderWithNodePath: path.self listModel selection: selHolder].clickedTheCheckbox ifFalse: [ self lastClickedMorph: aNodeMorph ].self selectionChanged.StefDoru_______________________________________________On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <> wrote:
Apparently when I move the moose from the finder elements (classes) to the model item I get
a DNU point:from:
MoprhTreeListManager>>clicked: event inTheCheckboxOf: aTargetMorph
| position |
position := aTargetMorph point: event position from: client.
^ self isCheckList and: [ (aTargetMorph checkClickableZone translateBy: 2 @ 0) containsPoint: position ]
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