Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Good point. However, I do not have an easy way to fix this.

The problem is the following:
- The Mondrian DSL allows you to write "view shape line width: 5". In Roassal, the method #width: is defined in the class ROLine. In that case, it is reasonable to have "view shape line" that returns an ROLine.

Reasonable but not consistent.  I'd vote for consistency, but I don't know what other considerations are important.

 Just brainstorming an alternative... "view shape line" might return ROMondrianViewBuilder, which would need to understand "width:" - but perhaps then you could also use "view shape line rawShape width: 5"  where rawShape returned ROLine in this instance.  I am assuming that the Mondrian compatibility only needs to be one way.

- Mondrian allows "view shape rectangle withText:". I do not want to have the method withText: in the class ROBox, so "view shape rectangle" cannot return a ROBox. 


On Aug 4, 2012, at 1:32 AM, Ben Coman <> wrote:

In experimenting to understand ROMondrianExample>>attachPointOn:
I broke into the execution as follows:  "forEach: [:cls | self haltOnce."
now if I highlight and inspect 'view shape line' I get a ROLine.
but if I highlight and inspect 'view shape rectangle' I  get a ROMondrianViewBuilder rather than the expected something like ROBox.
This seems wrong that these are not consistent.

cheers, -ben
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