Hi Agustin!
You are very welcome!
Yes, you need to recreate a new PieChart. But this is easy and efficient. Try the following:
"We create an empty view. The view will contain the button and the pie."
view := RTView new.
"fillView is block that:
(i) remove all the elements in the view (except the button);
(ii) create a new pie with totally random data
(iii) force a screen refresh with #signalUpdate"
fillView :=
| b |
view clean.
b := RTPieBuilder new.
"The RTPieBuilder will create the pie in the view"
b view: view.
b interaction popup.
b objects: ((1 to: 10 atRandom) collect: [ :i | 30 atRandom ]).
b slice: [ :aNumber | aNumber ].
b normalizer distinctColor.
b labelled.
b build.
view signalUpdate
"Add a button menu to the view"
view addMenu: 'Generate new data' callback: [ fillView value ].
"We want some data when opening the view"
fillView value.
Let us know if you have any further question
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
> _______________________________________________
> On Apr 5, 2016, at 3:18 PM, Agustin Meriles <jameriles@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone! I'm Agustin. I'm new at the Pharo/Moose community, so this is my first post.
> I'm playing around with Roassal (which by the way, I found really interesting), and my goal is to have a typical chart (let's say piechart, or barchart) that updates dinamically as the data arrives.
> I cannot figure out how to do this, without replacing the full data set and creating the instance again.
> So, if I build this chart:
> b := RTPieBuilder new.
> b interaction popup.
> b objects: #(10 4 1 2 5).
> b slice: [ :aNumber | aNumber ].
> b normalizer distinctColor.
> b labelled.
> b build.
> ^ b view.
> then if I update the objects collection
> b objects: #(15 5 3 20 31 7 8).
> the only way to reflects the change in the piechart is to create a new instance.
> Does Roassal provides any functionality for doing this and am I missing something?
> Thanks in advance!
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