Hi Doru,
probably I got confused. You wrote:
- The visiting of method ASTs happens in the SmalltalkMethodVisitor which is triggered by SmalltalkImporter>>
It is this visitor which is the responsible for triggering the creation
of low-level objects like invocations and accesses.
I though that the SmalltalkImporter was used to instantiate a famix model out of a RB infrastructure but probably there is something missing. I have in output from my parser RBMethodNodes and RBClasses (plus other stuff) but I cannot make the SmalltalkImporter running on them. Either I did not instantiate properly the RBMethods or there is something else.
Anyway the output of my parser is a list of nodes that are independent from one another, i.e. a RBMethod node is not into a RBClass node. It might be that the problem. I will investigate tomorrow.