v := RTView new.
shape := RTMultiCompositeShape new.
shape add: RTLabel new.
shape add: RTBox new.
es := shape elementsOn: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
v addAll: es.
buildEdgesFromObjects: RTShape withAllSubclasses
from: #superclass to: #yourself
using: (RTArrow new color: Color black; attachPoint: (RTShorterDistanceAttachPointAndCompositeShape new composedShapeSelection: #second))
inView: v.
RTNest new
for: es
inShape: #second
add: [ :group :model |
group addAll: ((RTBox new color: Color blue) elementsOn: model methods).
RTGridLayout on: group.
RTHorizontalTreeLayout on: es.
es @ RTPopup @ RTDraggable.
v open
Here is a screenshot
I also started to work on a RTEdgeBuilder, but it is not finished...
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Ok this is pretty cool.
Now with the edges how can I say they have to attach to the box and not at the all shape (label + box) ?
v := RTView new.
shape := RTMultiCompositeShape new.
shape add: RTLabel new.
shape add: RTBox new.
es := shape elementsOn: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
v addAll: es.
buildEdgesFromObjects: RTShape withAllSubclasses
from: #superclass to: #yourself
using: (RTArrow new color: Color black; attachPoint: RTHorizontalAttachPoint new)
inView: v.
RTNest new
for: es
inShape: #second
add: [ :group :model |
group addAll: ((RTBox new color: Color blue) elementsOn: model methods).
RTGridLayout on: group.
RTHorizontalTreeLayout on: es.
es @ RTPopup @ RTDraggable.
v open
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