Hi Peter,

the RTBezierLine has been fixed ! Load the last Roassal (with Trachel) and try again your code.

(ps: There is also the RTSVGPathBezierLine that works the same but use a generated SVG string to create the path.)

This post raised an interesting problem: the RTBezierLine is actually creating a serie of quadratic bezier lines. If you have 2 points of control between two points you will have two quadratic bezier lines instead of a real cubic
bezier line. If someone is interested in this I think it could be possible with some work to add this option.



2015-04-28 12:32 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com>:
Hi Peter!

This is a problem we have had for a while. I did not think about comparing it with the path. 
We will rewrite RTBezierLine to use TRSVGPath

We will let you know


Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

On Apr 27, 2015, at 6:34 PM, Peter Uhnák <i.uhnak@gmail.com> wrote:


it seems that last control point of a bezier line is off.
Here is a comparative view of RTBezierLine (black line) and bezier line done with SVG (red line). Notice how the bottom half is flatlined and doesn't match up.


And the code (based on RTRoassalExample>>exampleBezierCurve):

| v e1 e2 l s p1 p2 path svg|
v := RTView new.

e1 := (RTEllipse new size: 15; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4)) element.
e2 := (RTEllipse new size: 15; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4)) element.
e2 translateBy: -150 @ 150.

p1 := RTBox element.
p2 := RTBox element.
p1 translateTo: (e2 position x + e1 position x / 2) @ e1 position y.
p2 translateTo: (e2 position x + e1 position x / 2) @ e2 position y.
v add: p1.
v add: p2.

s := RTBezierLine new.
s color: Color black.
s controllingElements: (Array with: p1 with: p2).
l := s edgeFrom: e1 to: e2.

v add: e1.
v add: e2.

v add: l.

path := 'M -150 150 Q -75 150 -75 75 Q -75 0 0 0'.
svg := RTSVGPath new borderColor: Color red; path: path; element.
v add: svg.

^ v


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