Hi Peter,

Thanks for your prompt answer.
Yes, I meant width :)

How can I retrieve the label (RTLabelled) from an element object (RTElement)?
I don’t have a reference to the label (as in the example) but only to the element.

Leonel Merino

On 03 Sep 2015, at 15:43, Peter Uhnák <i.uhnak@gmail.com> wrote:

What do you mean by "the size of the label"? It's width?

|v el lbl|
v := RTView new.
el := RTEllipse new size: 5; elementOn: 'number'.
v add: el.
(lbl := RTLabelled new) fontSize: 30.
el @ lbl.
el @ (RTPopup new text: [:e | lbl lbl width asString]).

Or you can be exlicit and add RTLabel as a new shape, but then you would have to manually setup the interaction.


On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Leonel Merino <merino@iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
Hi all,

In the example below. How can I print the size of the label instead of the circle’s size?

v := RTView new.
el := RTEllipse new size: 5; elementOn:'number'.
v add: el.
el @ (RTLabelled new fontSize:30).
el @ (RTPopup new textElement:[:e| e width asString]).


Best regards

Leonel Merino

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