Good evening,
I have just pushed a new version of the FamixGenerator tool to my website.
So if you want to give it a try:
I have added a couple of features, like
* export of method invocations for FAMIX 3.0 models
* export of local variable and parameter access.
* several bug fixes
* and last but not least: export of generated C#-like code, which can be "attached" inside MOOSE
(more is written in the readme file inside the zip file.)
The tools does still export Famix 2 and 3.0 models, but currently I am struggling with the Famix 2.1 models for CodeCity. I think this relates to "analysis" and export of generic classes and generic type instances. This feature is not yet complete, so this might be the reason. I will investigate that issue in the next weeks.
If you want to view a city inside MOOSE, you can try the following script (if you have the new CodeCity for MOOSE installed):| models builder |As you can see this script uses Famixnamespaces ('allModelNamespaces' and 'namespaceScope'). This is because the FamixGenerator currently does not export FamixPackages. This is also on my agenda...
models := MooseModel root allModels.
builder := CCBuilder new.
models notEmpty
ifTrue: [
| packages classes classNormalizer packageNormalizer |
builder packingLayout.
packages := models first allModelNamespaces.
classes := packages flatCollect: #classes.
packageNormalizer := CCColorNormalizer new
low: (Color gray: 0.6);
high: (Color gray: 0.95);
transformation: #numberOfClasses;
population: packages.
builder shapeBuilder platform color: packageNormalizer.
builder nodes: packages.
classNormalizer := CCColorNormalizer new
low: (Color gray: 0.25);
high: Color blue;
transformation: #weightedMethodCount;
population: classes.
builder shapeBuilder box
color: classNormalizer;
height: #numberOfMethods;
width: #numberOfAttributes;
depth: #numberOfAttributes.
builder nodes: classes.
builder nest: packages node: #yourself in: #parentScope.
builder nest: classes node: #yourself in: #namespaceScope ].
builder open
Good night and take care,
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