Hi Andrei,

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Andrei Chis <chisvasileandrei@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Usman,

When a transmission has multiple origin ports the display block of the resulting presentation takes multiple arguments: 'andShow: [ :a | a list display: [ :x :y | 1 to: x ]; allowNil].'

I do not know how did I miss it!
In your case you could either split the transmission into two or use a transform block in the transmission to combine the two value.

Does this answer your question?

Yes it does. Thank you for your prompt reply. 


On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti@gmail.com> wrote:

I am trying to create a transmission in my browser where a destination port can be populated form a #selection and #strongSelection source port. It seems to be that transmission does not occur correctly from #strongSelection port to the destination port. 

To reproduce, in the browser produced by the sample below, double clicking in the right pane should show the elements up to the selected integer. But in my case, there is no change in the centre pane. 

| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new
column: #one; column: #two; column: #three; yourself.
transmit to: #one;
andShow: [ :a | a list display: [ :x | 1 to: x ]].
transmit to: #two;
from: #one;
from: #three port: #strongSelection;
andShow: [ :a | a list display: [ :x | 1 to: x ]; allowNil].
transmit to: #three;
from: #one port: #strongSelection;
andShow: [:a |  a list display: [ :x | 1 to: x ].].
  browser openOn: 100

Is it a bug or wrong usage of transmissions? What is the best way to populate a destination from multiple origin ports and amongst those one is #strongSelection.



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