Hi,Packages in MooseAlgos are quite independent of Moose. I wonder if it would be good to have them as an independent project. In fact, they are not far from being independent (some dependencies to break) but the name of the project does not reflect that. Maybe it is something that prevents other developers to use these algorithms. I personally think MooseAlgos will benefit from a name without Moose. 'Algos' is not a good name and it is difficult to find a good one because there are algorithms for graphs (mostly), clustering, and matrix. There is also a package with code under the BSD license. Need to split? Name ideas?Here are the dependencies (only static analysis, I do not know if there are some runtime dependencies not detected) :
- Moose-Algos-Graph has a dependency on Moose-Core because Moose-Algos-Graph defines an extension method cyclesToAll: for MooseGroup. It is very strange. #cyclesToAll: is only called by FAMIXNamespaceGroup>>#cyclesToAllProviderNamespaces in the Famix-Extensions package. This methods has no senders. Either MooseGroup>>#cyclesToAll and FAMIXNamespaceGroup>>#cyclesToAllProviderNamespaces should be removed or moved MooseGroup>>#cyclesToAll should be moved to #FAMIXNamespaceGroup. WDYT?
- Moose-Algos-Clusturing depends on Moose-Core because MalClusterEngine>>performClusteringShowProgress: references MooseCustomTask. I don't know how to break this dependency.
Best regards,Christophe.
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