Nice trick.  I hit some similar problems with Roassal showing a Red Square rather than opening a debugger - which is a good versus the image being overrun by debugger windows.  However it appears that #getRenderedForm is not available with Rossal. Can similar be made to work with ROView?  

A couple of related ideas...
1. Using a method like #debugOpen would be easier to remember than #getRenderedForm. 
2. Alternatively, perhaps if the developer clicked on the Red Square this would open just-one debugger at the last point of failure.

cheers, Ben

Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Hi Veronica,

Debugging visualization is a bit tricky, mainly because of a heretic behavior of Morphic. Your image did not freeze so you should be happy :-)

The best way to debug a visualization, is to render the visualization in a bitmap, instead of having it on screen. For example, if your visualization is:

| view |
view := MOViewRenderer new.
view shape rectangle width: [ :e | 100 / e ].
view nodes: (0 to: 20).

view open

then replace the last #open with:
	view root applyLayout.
	view getRenderedForm

So, the debuggable script should be:

| view |
view := MOViewRenderer new.
view shape rectangle width: [ :e | 100 / e ].
view nodes: (0 to: 20).

view root applyLayout.
view getRenderedForm

If your visualization is buggy, then you will get a debugger. If nothing appears, it means there is no bug.
The same trick has to be used for Roassal generated visualization.

Let me know how it goes.


On Sep 20, 2012, at 9:10 AM, Veronica Isabel Uquillas Gomez <> wrote:

Hi Alex,

I have already planned to migrate my tools to use Roassal...
But for now I have to use what we have with Mondrian because we are preparing an evaluation on our tool in Pharo1.4.

I suddenly have a problem that I do not know to detect
I draw a map with dominanceTreeLayout or forcedBaseLayout.
When the layout is dominanceTreeLayout I am getting the red rectangle with the cross. Sometimes i get it immediately or sometimes I see part of the visualization and when i move the scrollbars the red rectangle appears.

How can I debug that?, I haven't changed my code and I have no idea what is failing now
if I open the same visualization with forcedBaseLayout it works fine.


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