Hi Pablo,  That is really slick and professional looking.

Now I must have missed something... Does that mean that rotated text is working in Rossal / Roassal2 ?

Ideas to make Graph-ET more usable as the configuration options grow?  Sorry I can't be ore helpful, but all I can think of is make the configuration interactive via menus and dialogs. Refer to existing charting apps like Microsoft Excel for workflow.

cheers -ben

Pablo Estefó wrote:
Hi folks,

I am Pablo Estefó an ObjectProfile engineer and I will continue the excellent work of Daniel Aviv on Graph-ET (on Roassal2).

I’ve just added the “oblique” labels feature(for Roassal2’s GraphET version only). And the result is something like this:

| diagram   |
diagram := GETDiagramBuilder new.
diagram horizontalBarDiagram
models: #(0.2 0.5 2 0.3 0.51 1);
color: [ :x | x <= 0.5 ifTrue: [ Color blue alpha: 0.2 ] ifFalse: [Color blue alpha: 0.5]];
addValueDecorator: (GETRegularTickDecorator new numberOfTicks: 5);
addValueDecorator: (GETRotatedLabelDecorator new diagonal numberOfLabels: 5).

diagram open

It produces:

If we change the rotated label as diagonal inverted:

| diagram   |
diagram := GETDiagramBuilder new.
diagram  horizontalBarDiagram
models: #(0.2 0.5 2 0.3 0.51 1);
color: [ :x | x <= 0.5 ifTrue: [ Color blue alpha: 0.2 ] ifFalse: [Color blue alpha: 0.5]];
addValueDecorator: (GETRegularTickDecorator new numberOfTicks: 5);
addValueDecorator: (GETRotatedLabelDecorator new diagonalInverted numberOfLabels: 5).

diagram open

Vertical labels
| diagram   |
diagram := GETDiagramBuilder new.
diagram  horizontalBarDiagram
models: #(0.2 0.5 2 0.3 0.51 1);
color: [ :x | x <= 0.5 ifTrue: [ Color blue alpha: 0.2 ] ifFalse: [Color blue alpha: 0.5]];
addValueDecorator: (GETRegularTickDecorator new numberOfTicks: 5);
addValueDecorator: (GETVerticalLabelDecorator new numberOfLabels: 5).

diagram open
Vertical labels
| diagram   |
diagram := GETDiagramBuilder new.
diagram  horizontalBarDiagram
models: #(0.2 0.5 2 0.3 0.51 1);
color: [ :x | x <= 0.5 ifTrue: [ Color blue alpha: 0.2 ] ifFalse: [Color blue alpha: 0.5]];
addValueDecorator: (GETRegularTickDecorator new numberOfTicks: 5);
addValueDecorator: (GETVerticalLabelDecorator new inverted numberOfLabels: 5).

diagram open
I am thinking a succinct way to specify it.

Well, as you can see the axis configuration will get more complex the more options we can provide. 
So our next question to drive our development is:
How can we get the richest input in order to interpret it and return the best plot with the minimum configuration input.

I would like to know your opinions to develop a better Graph-ET :-)


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