Hi Abdelghani,

PPCompositeParser use reflection to initialize all the parsers stored in instance variables.
Your problem comes from the fact that your "model" instance variable is not intended to stores a parser as other instance variables do.
To exclude your iv from PPCompositeParser machinery you can redefine #ignoredNames on class-side:

PPMyLanguageGenerator class>>ignoredNames
^ super ignoredNames, #(model)

But it looks like #model is supposed to be the result of your generator?
If this is the case I think that you should not store it in an instance variable.
Parsers are supposed to be stateless.
Instead each production rule should return a part of your model (using ==> [ … ]) that you then compose progressively in other rules.
Terminal rules return the leaves of your model and non-terminal rules compose the results. 
The start production rule then returns the full model.
Look at the other subclasses of PPCompositeParser for insight.


On 03 Jul 2015, at 14:55, abdelghani ALIDRA <alidrandco@yahoo.fr> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have defined #PPMyLanguageGenerator inheriting from PPMyLanguageParser inheriting from PPCompositeParser

In the class PPMyLanguageGenerator I have an instance variable named: model I initialize with : model := OrderedCollection new to collect reconized elements of my language

I also define PPSplotModelGenerator>>aMethd
anElement := someCode.
model add: anElement

When I try to test my method from a PPCompositeParserTest sub subclass I have the error message on the ligne above :

MessageNotUnderstood: PPDelegateParser >>add:

But model is not supposed to be a PPDelegateParser!!!!

Any idea about this matter and how can I acc my variable from my methods?


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