forNode:do: is an internal method. You should use node:forIt: or nodes:forEach: to construct nested graphs.
On 23 Mar 2012, at 15:26, Ben Coman wrote:
I am trying to use Mondrian to visualize SomeContainerClass holding SomeOtherContainerClass that holds Equipment classes. So I was thinking each container class might have a method (#subviewOf: aView) which at some point does (aView forNode: self do:). Now I have come to the understanding that I am probably misusing #forNode:do: like that, and am continuing exploring that, but thought I would report the MNU that I encountered before moving on - just in case it was desirable to guard against such abuse.
Steps to Reproduce:
The essence of this distills down to the following in Mondrian Easel, where this first case works....
view nodes: (1 to: 20).
view forNode: 2 do: [ view nodes: (50 to: 52) ]
but this second case...
view nodes: (1 to: 20).
view forNode: view do: [ view nodes: (50 to: 52) ]
gets MNU "removeAllEdges"
Inserting 'self halt' between the two lines and tracing through to MONode>>nodeWith:ifAbsent shows the line...
nodeLookedUp := self nodes detect: [:each | each model = anObject ] ifNone: aBlock.
has in the first case (self nodes) as anOrderedCollection of 20 items
and in the second (self nodes) is an empty Array.
Just reporting for discussion. I am not sure if this would be considered a bug worth tracking, or just an abuse of the framework.
Cheers, Ben
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