For example, in Artefact we use Units and I have tried to use sum but it doesn't works because Units doesn't allow to do 0 + 4 cm which is inconsistent.--2013/4/22 Alexandre Bergel <>Thanks for letting us know. I cannot see a case where having 0 as the initial value does not work as expected.
Le 21 avr. 2013 à 17:35, Tudor Girba <> a écrit :
> Hi,
> Pharo 2.0 comes with Collection>>sum:
> Collection>>sum: aBlock
> "This is implemented using a variant of the normal inject:into: pattern.
> The reason for this is that it is not known whether we're in the normal
> number line, i.e. whether 0 is a good initial value for the sum.
> Consider a collection of measurement objects, 0 would be the unitless
> value and would not be appropriate to add with the unit-ed objects."
> | sum sample |
> sample := aBlock value: self anyOne.
> sum := self inject: sample into: [ :previousValue :each | previousValue + (aBlock value: each) ].
> ^ sum - sample
> To some extent, this is more generic than the one we had in Moose that considered only numbers:
> Collection>>sum: aSymbolOrBlock
> ^ self
> inject: 0
> into: [:sum :each | sum + (aSymbolOrBlock value: each)]
> However, with the Pharo 2.0 implementation the collection must not be empty, while the other implementation we get 0. If the collection is empty, you get an exception due to anyOne.
> This induced several errors in metric computations (like number of methods of a package when the package had no classes). These are now fixed, but I thought I would let you know just in case you want to rely on this method.
> I actually still believe we would benefit from a robust but more limited sum:. Perhaps we could have sumNumbers:.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> "If you can't say why something is relevant,
> it probably isn't."
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