On Jul 30, 2015, at 10:56 AM, Brice GOVIN <brice.govin@ensta-bretagne.org> wrote:Nice! thank you Alexandre. Sorry it seems the automatic sorting of my mailbox failed so I didn’t see your script…_______________________________________________I’ll use it as a basis for what I want to do =)
--------------Brice Govin
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
64 chemin des boeufs 91220 PALAISEAU
On 30 Jul 2015, at 15:31, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:
Hi Brice!_______________________________________________
Currently we have no examples about this.I have slightly modified the script I’ve sent yesterday.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=path := '/Users/alexandrebergel/Documents'.allFilesUnderPath := path asFileReference allChildren.b := RTMondrian new.b shape circlecolor: Color gray trans;if: [ :aFile | aFile path basename beginsWith: '.' ] color: Color red trans.b nodes: allFilesUnderPath.b edges connectFrom: #parent.b normalizernormalizeSize: #size min: 10 max: 150 using: #sqrt.b layout cluster.b-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
You can try to replace “cluster” by “tree”. You can also click on each circle to enjoy the option offered by GTInspector<Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 10.30.08 AM.png>--_,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
On Jul 30, 2015, at 9:51 AM, Brice GOVIN <brice.govin@ensta-bretagne.org> wrote:
_______________________________________________Hi,yesterday I heard someone from my team talking about a tool for visualizing quickly file size in your system.I was wondering if there is anything done with Roassal for that? I looked at the current version of Roassal in Moose 6.0 but I didnt find anything.If there is one could someone help me otherwise should it not be nice to have some?
Thanks for your answer.
--------------Brice Govin
PhD student in RMoD research team at INRIA Lille
Software Engineer at THALES AIR SYSTEMS Rungis
ENSTA-Bretagne ENSI2014
64 chemin des boeufs 91220 PALAISEAU
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