OK Nicolas, I will check enums for VerveineJ next week.
ParameterizableClass and ParameterizedType are not in VerveineJ. What we
have in VerveineJ is the "old solution" using
parameterTypes/argumentTypes. I will check this too.
Hi Nicolas,
I would suggest to first focus on getting VerveineJ working fully before embarking into another large project like the VerveineC. The problem with parsers is that if they are not working in edge cases they end up being unused.
So, let's start a focused work on this to get it tested and scalable.
On 11 Feb 2011, at 10:04, Nicolas Anquetil wrote:
> VerveineC has been on my todo list for a long time. It could work for C, but I still have problem with the C++ parser of CDT (I plan to use CDT for VerveineC just as we are using JDT for VerveineJ). I almost started it yesterday, but then I was abruptly remembered that there was a day long meeting at INRIA.
> Andre could work on enums for VerveineJ, it should not take more than half a day.
> ParameterizableClass and ParameterizedType are already there I believe.
> I am not sure what work is involved in AnnotationTypeProperty and AnnotationInstanceProperty?
> As for the two open questions, we just need some TIME to think about it. The very thing we all have in vast amount, ready to be spent at will :-)
> nicolas
>>> The logic is extremely simple: They are investing the development
>>> effort. I am simply answering questions and reviewing the results.
>>> Moreover, their parser also supports C/C++ now, so that alone is a
>>> huge plus.
>> indeed.
>>> I did the same with VerveineJ and I would still like to work with
>>> someone on this topic.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>> On 10 Feb 2011, at 20:55, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>>>> Doru
>>>> I do not really understand why you do not help fixing verveineJ
>>>> since it is MIT/BSD and
>>>> that for us inFusion is still closed code.
>>>> What is the logic behind duplicating effort?
>>>> Stef
>>>> On Feb 10, 2011, at 10:14 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> As you might have noticed, we have new additions to Famix-Java:
>>>>> - ParameterizableClass and ParameterizedType (to model generics
>>>>> and templates - thanks Andre :))
>>>>> - Enum and EnumValue (to model Java Enums)
>>>>> - AnnotationTypeProperty and AnnotationInstanceProperty (to have
>>>>> detailed information about AnnotationType and AnnotationInstance)
>>>>> I am currently working with the inFusion guys to get the exporter
>>>>> working with these new additions. It would be great to have also
>>>>> VerveineJ up to date on this.
>>>>> There are still open issues, and it would also be great to get
>>>>> help on them:
>>>>> - How to model the parameters of a ParameterizableClass as a Type
>>>>> that can be used as declaredType. We should add some sort of a
>>>>> local scope to a type. See:
>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/moose-technology/issues/detail?id=495
>>>>> - I would like to have an explicit FAMIXInterface, but it is
>>>>> slightly more difficult now that we have ParameterizableClass.
>>>>> See:
>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/moose-technology/issues/detail?id=526
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Doru
>>>>> --
>>>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>>>> "Be rather willing to give than demanding to get."
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