On 04/10/2013 08:57 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Nicolas Anquetil <Nicolas.Anquetil@inria.fr> wrote:

thank you for you contribution.
I had a similar discussion with Damien Cassou (about traits).
First, it depends a lot on what you call a Trait.

Trait has only one meaning in programming languages, and it denotes a mechanism for reuse. Multiple inheritance is also a mechanism for reuse. The difference lies in the semantics of specifying and handling the reuse.
Glad to see we have the same definition of traits.

Yet I will object on your assumptions: I am talking metamodeling, you are talking programming.

Long time ago, there was a warning on not using inheritance for reuse but for subtyping (and it even came out of Smalltalk that used to "cancel" some of the inherited methods of a class).
I want to talk about multiple INHERITANCE because I want to talk about subtyping.

Metamodelling is abstract, a description of a "domain".
I want to be careful to describe things "the right way", meaning not for implementation, but for understanding.
Because I believe that only by keeping as close as possible to the domain (the concepts in our heads) we will have a proper implementation.

Basically we have the same idea of 1-to-1 mapping (see your answer further down), but you are thinking of pharo as the programming language and I was trying to think of Famix as the implementation language ...

As for compiling Famix to programming languages, this is a very different story.
Currently the way it works is that we program things in Pharo, add the appropriate pragmas to the Pharo methods, and then generate Famix from the Pharo classes.
What I would like to have is more top-down: we generate everything in Famix (will need a bit of tooling here), and then we generate Pharo code automatically.
Done that way, the discussion about trait and inheritance can be eliminated because actually, one can generate a flat set of Pharo classes where all inheritance has been inlined.
In some sense, it is again similar to current implementation of Traits in Pharo where the Traits methods are compiled inside the Pharo class.
So again it will be kind of using traits again.

I disagree. We keep a 1-to-1 mapping to Pharo. This is critical because we are using Pharo as the execution language and we do not want to deal with two model abstractions. Of course, we should also build tools, such as the MetaBrowser that make it easier for us to handle the meta-descriptions, but in the end we want to keep a clear mapping to Pharo code. This will save us a ton of trouble down the road.

Given that Traits are already supported in the execution language (Pharo), we can directly use this 1-to-1 mapping without any problems. So, we will not rely on generation at all. The same as it is now. And we put in place tests that check the meta-descriptions.

Generation only looks cheap, but as soon as you want to manipulate anything at the lower level, it becomes highly expensive. We managed to keep away from this and it payed off until now. I insist on this point :).
Everybody uses code generation everyday because compiling is just generating to byte code.
So the question might be whether we can do without "[manipulating] anything at the lower level", or else to find a way to manipulate directly Famix entities in Pharo.


Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod research team (Inria)