this is close. It at least mirrors what I could get elsewhere (with work).
1. To just have the DATE shown on the X axis (easy to do)
2. To have the bars be places on the X axis relative to where they would be in a timeline. Harder to do - maybe need to make the values based on minutes since first value? or beginning of first day? I think I might see this - but previous examples seem to use scatter type plots - and not histograms. (Hmm, figured it out!)
3. To have the bars be skinny enough (when needed) to show the close times.
If you look at the data, the gray and green bars are all 1 day apart from each other. The RED one is 1/2 hour after the second gray one - it would be nice to show them that close together.
This code gets close - just need to shape the bars reasonably (the second gray bar is almost completely hidden):
data := {
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-10-30 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 4;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-10-31 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 5;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color red;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-10-31 12:41:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 15;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color green;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-11-01 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 7;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-11-02 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 1;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-11-03 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 4;
b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 300 @ 200.
b shape rectangle size: 0.
b points: data.
b y: [ :entry | entry at: 'SECONDS' ].
firstDay := (data collect: [ :d| d at: 'TIME' ]) min.
base := firstDay julianDayNumber.
firstDay := (firstDay asDuration asMinutes) floor + (firstDay julianDayNumber * 1440).
b allX: [ :v | ((v at: 'TIME') asDuration asMinutes) floor + ((v at: 'TIME') julianDayNumber * 1440) - firstDay ].
b shape rectangle
color: [ :entry | entry at: 'COLOR' ].
b interaction
highlightColored: Color red.
b histogramWithBarTitle: [ :entry | '' ].
b axisY.
"b newAxisConfiguration plain."
b axisConfiguration
title: '';
labelRotation: -30;
numberOfTicks: 4;
numberOfLabels: 4;
labelConvertion: [ :v | Transcript show: v asString; cr. Date julianDayNumber: (v / 1440) rounded + base ].
b axisX.
b build.
b view