Correting the code

| filterWizard view |
browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
filterWizard := BMBugMapsFilterWizard new. "a child of WizardControl"
row: [ :row | row column: #map span: 2.5; column: #metrics] span: 1.5;
row: [ :row | row column: #code span: 2.5; column: #chart].

browser transmit
to: #map;
andShow: [ :b | self distributionMapIn: b].

filterWizard :=  BMBugMapsFilterWizard new.
initialExtent: 400@200;

spawn: [:a|
atEndDo:[:wizardInformation| .
self distributionMapIn: a with: (wizardInformation at: #textEntry).
a update.].
] entitled: 'Filter'.

where self is an instance of GLMBrowserTemplate.

On 19 December 2011 10:51, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:

If the first parameter is a browser, something is probably wrong (you
might be using the wrong api). Please send also the browser code.


2011/12/19 Júlio Martins <[hidden email]>:
> Ok!
> distributionMapIn: a with: aNumber
>         "in this point the method is executed"
> ^a mondrian
> painting: [ :view :model | self halt.
> view shape rectangle withoutBorder.
> view nodes: (model allModelNamespaces asSet sortedAs: [ :x :y | x
> numberOfClasses > y numberOfClasses ]) forEach: [ :each |
> view shape label.
> view node: each name.
> view node: each forIt: [
> view interaction menu: #mooseMenu.
> view shape rectangle size: 12;
> if: [ :c | c numberOfMethods = 0 ] fillColor: Color green;
> if: [ :c | c numberOf Methods  >= 1 and: [ c numberOfBugs < 3 ] ] fillColor:
> Color orange;
> if: [ :c | c numberOfMethods >= 3 ] fillColor: Color red.
> view nodes: ((each classes select: [ :class | class numberOf Methods  >=
> aNumber]) sortedAs: #numberOfMethods).
> view gridLayout gapSize: 2 ].
> view verticalLineLayout ].
> view gridLayout ].
> the first method parameter is a GLMTabulator, The block started by the
> method "halt" is not executed, I no wonder why!

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