
We spotted a bug related to edge driven layouts and groups. So, when a view has groups in it, performing an edge driven layout gives MNU: RTGroup>>view.

The bug can be reproduced with the following script in latest Roassal. 

view := RTView new.
group1 := RTGroup new add: (RTBox new elementOn: 1); yourself.
group2 := RTGroup new add: (RTEllipse new elementOn: 2); yourself.
view addAll: group1; addAll: group2.
RTForceBasedLayout on: (RTGroup with: group1 with: group2).
view open

The link to get the version with changes (because problem posting more than 1 mb on this list):

All tests are green after the change.

Alex, can you integrate this in Roassal because it is important for our work.


Usman & Leo