Super :)
Let us know if we break things in your configurations. 
I made this change because I tried to bypass a bug in monticello  and I just saw that version is not used in moose.


On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 4:12 PM, Usman Bhatti <> wrote:

I restored v 3.0.7 in config of glamour because it is needed :).

Name: ConfigurationOfGlamour-usmanbhatti.213
Author: usmanbhatti
Time: 21 May 2015, 4:04:47.151738 pm
UUID: 06ab5906-8d61-49ee-84bf-97dfd9a325ae
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfGlamour-AndreiChis.212

restoring version 3.0.7 because we are still loading it for synectique tools...once we move on to the new release based on Pharo 4.0, we might be able to clean it up, until then it'll be necessary to keep it.

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